Girl no: 40-year-old Mzbel shaves her grey hair after Papa No saga; looks 16 in new video

Ghanaian singer Mzbel, known in private life as Belinda Nana Ekua Amoah, has got a new look on social media.

The new look has Mzbel showing her real beauty in a low cut after getting her shaved at a barbershop.

In a new video sighted by Boom News Gh Mzbel is seen seated at the barbershop while the barber does his own thing.

From the video, Mzbel had got a very low cut (the lowest one could possibly get) while the barber put finishing touches to it.

Mzbel looked very beautiful as she smiled throughout the session with the barber.

Sharing the video, the 40-year-old declared that she was shaving off her grey hair.

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Mzbel’s video has got her followers praising her for her good looks despite cutting her hair.

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